martes, 29 de octubre de 2013


  • In May 1993 the country was shaken by the murder of Juan Jesus Posadas Ocampo, Vice President of the episcopate.
    On the facade, Carlos Salinas was sitting on the top of the world, and at the end of 1993 the Times magazine named him the man of the year.
    Closer to the minipresidente, as well as José María Córdoba, people were relatives, because the salt constituted a clan which carried out daily livings in Coyoacán and Agualeguas, where organized a marathon each Easter. And of them, Raul was the closest.
    The proliferation of gossip's shady dealings of Raúl Salinas led to the Secretariat of the Comptroller, to recommend the President it away his brother's public positions.
    The process of presidential handpick is complicated with the free trade treaty and ratification urged Salinas.
    With the ratification of the FTA on November 17, 1993, Salinas had cleared the way for the succession, the handpick were between Camacho Solis and Colosio.Y the chosen Colosio.
    Meanwhile the contact between the President and the candidate increasingly were scarcer and cold. In February the emissaries of the President asked him to Colosio to resign, he refused.
    On March 23 turned you to ask to resign but it became to deny and told him "only consequences", that day Colosio went to Tijuana and continued his campaign in bullfighting Lomas.
    With more diligence, a man in black jacket opened step to a young man of mustache that was able to stand behind the candidate. Suddenly a young man's sunglasses fell against Colosio and did stop; the mustache won a 38-caliber pistol and fired at the head of the candidate.
    Colosio was pronounced dead at 8 in the evening.
    The new candidate was Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon.
    With may wine debate between the candidates: Zedillo the PRI, Cevallos by bread and Cardenas by the PRD, was the first time that there was a presidential debate in Mexico.
    The first of December Salinas handed the presidential sash to Zedillo.

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