martes, 29 de octubre de 2013

Pigeon eggs

In December 1982 Mexico was found in one of the worst moments in its history. Nationwide got angry because of the surprising nationalization of banks and currency control.
De la Madrid exaggerate by painting a bleak picture as an astringent for the rigid austerity plan.
From their point of view the situation was so serious that he was called into question the continuity of the development process and even "the roads of the country as an independent nation".
To the end of 1982 figures were bleak: GDP had plummeted to 0.5, inflation rose to an inconceivable 100%, external debt exceeded the chilling figure of 100 billion of dollars, the prices of the oil remained on the downside.
In the Cabinet of Miguel de la Madrid 60% of registrars amounted by the bureaucratic way and only 30% by the election.
Technocrats who were proud of their master's degrees and doctorates in American universities. This breed of technocrats did some depressing prophecy of Richard Lansing: "we have to abandon the idea of putting in the Mexican presidency to an American citizen, because that would take us again to war. the solution is open to young Mexicans the doors of our universities and educate them in the respect for the leadership of the United States. Over time these young people are masters of the Presidency".
De la Madrid banned that they put him your name, or that of his wife, to the streets of any Mexican population.
That Yes, as his wife was called Paloma Cordero, said that don Miguel would be a weak President, who had pigeon eggs.

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