martes, 29 de octubre de 2013

Culture rests in peace

  • Carlos Salinas decided to consider the cultural medium with special attention and included it in the partnerships should be established, so I believe the National Council for culture and the Arts (Conaculta).
    The great intellectuals such as Octavio Paz, Carlos Fuentes and Hector Aguilar Camin, applauded the creation of the Council, excited as this intellectual power groups enjoyed a decisive influence.
    The good news came at the end of 1993, when Salinas threw more wool and got 25 million, then new pesos, for the creation of the national system of creators, similar to the research.
    During this Sexennium Mexican literature was very active and published Tinísima, before, too much love, married life, among others.
    In 1992, don Octavio made the tantrum of the century when their archenemies of Nexos magazine organized an international meeting with the support of the UNAM and Conaculta.
    Arose the popular feminism through the national coordinator of the Popular Movement, also was present at the University Academy.

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