martes, 29 de octubre de 2013


  • In May 1993 the country was shaken by the murder of Juan Jesus Posadas Ocampo, Vice President of the episcopate.
    On the facade, Carlos Salinas was sitting on the top of the world, and at the end of 1993 the Times magazine named him the man of the year.
    Closer to the minipresidente, as well as José María Córdoba, people were relatives, because the salt constituted a clan which carried out daily livings in Coyoacán and Agualeguas, where organized a marathon each Easter. And of them, Raul was the closest.
    The proliferation of gossip's shady dealings of Raúl Salinas led to the Secretariat of the Comptroller, to recommend the President it away his brother's public positions.
    The process of presidential handpick is complicated with the free trade treaty and ratification urged Salinas.
    With the ratification of the FTA on November 17, 1993, Salinas had cleared the way for the succession, the handpick were between Camacho Solis and Colosio.Y the chosen Colosio.
    Meanwhile the contact between the President and the candidate increasingly were scarcer and cold. In February the emissaries of the President asked him to Colosio to resign, he refused.
    On March 23 turned you to ask to resign but it became to deny and told him "only consequences", that day Colosio went to Tijuana and continued his campaign in bullfighting Lomas.
    With more diligence, a man in black jacket opened step to a young man of mustache that was able to stand behind the candidate. Suddenly a young man's sunglasses fell against Colosio and did stop; the mustache won a 38-caliber pistol and fired at the head of the candidate.
    Colosio was pronounced dead at 8 in the evening.
    The new candidate was Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon.
    With may wine debate between the candidates: Zedillo the PRI, Cevallos by bread and Cardenas by the PRD, was the first time that there was a presidential debate in Mexico.
    The first of December Salinas handed the presidential sash to Zedillo.

Culture rests in peace

  • Carlos Salinas decided to consider the cultural medium with special attention and included it in the partnerships should be established, so I believe the National Council for culture and the Arts (Conaculta).
    The great intellectuals such as Octavio Paz, Carlos Fuentes and Hector Aguilar Camin, applauded the creation of the Council, excited as this intellectual power groups enjoyed a decisive influence.
    The good news came at the end of 1993, when Salinas threw more wool and got 25 million, then new pesos, for the creation of the national system of creators, similar to the research.
    During this Sexennium Mexican literature was very active and published Tinísima, before, too much love, married life, among others.
    In 1992, don Octavio made the tantrum of the century when their archenemies of Nexos magazine organized an international meeting with the support of the UNAM and Conaculta.
    Arose the popular feminism through the national coordinator of the Popular Movement, also was present at the University Academy.

Small Caesar 2

  • Salinas proposed to the President of the United States a free trade agreement with Mexico and to seduce him, as if necessary, added so a powerful bloc was formed with economic in North America that would give cramps to the European Union and Japan.
    The treaty known as the Tratado de Libre Comercio o TLC in Mexico and NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) in the United States and Canada.
    If everything came out well, the FTA would be negotiated, approved, initialized, signed and ratified by the legislatures of the three countries for purposes of 1992, before the American presidential election.
    In the us.UU major opponents of NAFTA were workers of large power stations as the AFL-CIO, because they argued that with the paltry wages of the southern border a large number of U.S. companies are instalarian in Mexico.

Small Caesar

  • The first of December 1988 was a tense day. Early deployed stunning security forces around the Legislative Palace of San Lazaro.
    To those hours opposition representatives spoke you to an audience that not them to lower case, because he came, he greeted and made a ruidero.
    Almost at 11, Miguel de la Madrid was greeted with opposition now and cheers of the PRI and the PAN raised posters.
    When it became Salinas the jeers were swift. Guests of honour, the Presidents of Cuba, Argentina, Belize, Colombia, Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua, did not give credit to the phenomenology of relaxation which witnessed.
    Salinas needed to consolidate power and so resorted to big shots that excited the curiosity of the public. The most spectacular was a Carom of bands filled with dense messages. Another major blow was the renegotiation of debt.
    In July the negotiations seemed lost, so Salinas played the letter of suspension of payments.
    Finally came to an agreement that was signed on 23 July with the Advisory Committee of banks, representative of 500 lending institutions around the world.
    Salinas became the theatre of his life. In a televised message he proclaimed the renegotiation as "a great moment for our country, the product of an effort without parallel", and added: "We have solved the problem of the excessive debt burden weighing on the shoulders of Mexicans."

The fall of the system

  • The PRI presented an official list of candidates: Carlos Salinas de Gortari, Manuel Bartlett Díaz, Alfredo de el Mazo, Ramón Aguirre Velázquez, Sergio García Ramírez and Miguel González Avelar.
    The candidate of the PAN would be Manuel J. Clouthier.
    Elections darkened with the murders of Francisco Javier Ovando and Román Gil Heráldez, a few days before July 6.
    July 6 people came out to vote in large numbers, and the day passed calmly.
    Shortly after 6 p.m., when it was assumed that information would flow by the minute, Gobernación Secretary Manuel Bartlett, told Commissioners the CFE to the modern system of computation had fallen.
    After it was learned that the first results of the boxes, which came from Mexico City and the State of Mexico, favored dramatically Cuahutemoc Cardenas.
    To the one and a half in the morning Jorge de la Vega Dominguez proclaimed without empachos "resounding, forceful, legal and unobjectionable triumph" of Carlos Salinas de Gortari.

We are already recovering

Rafael Caro Quintero would be actor star of 1985, Member of a family of sinaloan traffickers, arrived to produce 50 million tons of marijuana that left you so many millions of dollars.
Education in Mexico was in crisis, teachers salaries were a disgrace and the Union, the SNTE, the largest in Latin America, was completely charro, as well as its chieftain Carlos Jonguitud Barrios.
However, the Madrid was saying that the country was already recovering and everything was going well.
Came the elections. He had admitted the PMT (Mexican workers party) and reinstated the authentic of the Mexican Revolution (PARM). As usual, the PRI was by full truck, thus already had prepared everything so it so happened.
On 19 September 1985, at 7:19 in the morning, Mexico lived the eternity of the moment when the most devastating earthquake in the country's history took place. The intensity was of 7.8 points on the Richter scale.
There were 3,500 dead, fell 250 buildings, 50 on the verge of collapse, numerous public schools were damaged, stations of metro, centres for entertainment and culture, shops, restaurants, apartment buildings and neighborhoods.
El President De la Madrid, toured the most devastated areas and declared: "we are prepared to meet this situation and do not need to resort to external assistance. We appreciate the good intentions but we are self sufficient."
An extraordinary, unexpected and timely sense of solidarity was among many inhabitants of the city of Mexico.
The President finally accepted humanitarian aid from abroad, but not always came to whom needed it, if not left it is the vultures of the bureaucracy.

Pigeon eggs

In December 1982 Mexico was found in one of the worst moments in its history. Nationwide got angry because of the surprising nationalization of banks and currency control.
De la Madrid exaggerate by painting a bleak picture as an astringent for the rigid austerity plan.
From their point of view the situation was so serious that he was called into question the continuity of the development process and even "the roads of the country as an independent nation".
To the end of 1982 figures were bleak: GDP had plummeted to 0.5, inflation rose to an inconceivable 100%, external debt exceeded the chilling figure of 100 billion of dollars, the prices of the oil remained on the downside.
In the Cabinet of Miguel de la Madrid 60% of registrars amounted by the bureaucratic way and only 30% by the election.
Technocrats who were proud of their master's degrees and doctorates in American universities. This breed of technocrats did some depressing prophecy of Richard Lansing: "we have to abandon the idea of putting in the Mexican presidency to an American citizen, because that would take us again to war. the solution is open to young Mexicans the doors of our universities and educate them in the respect for the leadership of the United States. Over time these young people are masters of the Presidency".
De la Madrid banned that they put him your name, or that of his wife, to the streets of any Mexican population.
That Yes, as his wife was called Paloma Cordero, said that don Miguel would be a weak President, who had pigeon eggs.


Mexican tragicomedy is the Chronicle of life in Mexico from 1940 to 1994, presented in three volumes.
In this third volume, last of the trilogy which comprises from 1982 to 1994, we have the years of crisis, the "new poor", globalization and privatization, moral renewal, the tecnos and tell them us, the strengthening of drug trafficking, the terror of AIDS, San Juanico explosion and the 1985 earthquake, the collapse of the system in 1988, the salinas family, business of brother uncomfortable, money Pronasol, the renegotiation of the external debt, the Bank privatization, the new mega millionaires in the field changes, relations with the Catholic Church and the free trade agreement, the premature handpick, the zapatista rebellion, Marcos superstar, candidacy alternates, the assassination of Luis Donaldo Colosio, the death of Ruiz Massieu and another, more devastating still, economic crisis, we ended: as we started.